
What are the fundamental values that drive your organization?


  • for learners
  • for groups and organizations
  • for nodes in Open Portal Network

Universal well-being. By spreading opportunities for learning and education, this movement can aid each individual in achieving a sustainable, satisfying life.”

Liza Loop, Open Portal Network

Learning, growing, and connection. Assets-based approaches work to build us up. We can all flourish when connected in community and in support of one another.

Justine, 2 December 2021


We invite you to share your statement of values by leaving a reply below.

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One response to “Values”

  1. Liza Loop Avatar
    Liza Loop

    I am especially interested in autonomy for learners and students. Most schools and teachers tell students what subjects they ought to be interested in learning. Many of LO*OP Center’s programs are learner-centered. They begin by asking a person what s/he wants to learn about and then go about helping that person find coaches and materials to use on that journey.

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