
Open Portal Network is a hub to help connect you with people working to enhance learning around the world. You are the center of a working node in the network. By sharing your work you enhance others and change the world. Explore these pages and posts. Use the links to discover communities of like-minded practitioners. Share your work with them. Tell us about new resources here.

Many circles of varying colors have lines between them denoting networks with the largest circle in the center. The largest circle of those networks have lines drawn to other networks denoting networks of networks.


The purpose of Open Portal Network is to encourage individuals, organizations, and networks of organizations to work together to support learning for every person, everywhere. Together we can power a global movement to bring 21st century learning to all. The OpenPortal.network site invites you to contribute ideas, announce events and suggest resources. If you’d like to post an essay or a blog about alternative and expanded education on this site, contact us.

If you know of an event – online or on the ground – tell us about it. Contact the administration team and we’ll post an announcement for you.

Social Change

We believe that lasting social change happens within small groups of people at the local level working in homes, on the street, in schools and colleges, on the playing field, at places of work and worship, in the halls of governance.

People need to talk about their hopes, their fears and what they and their children need to learn to survive and thrive in our rapidly changing world. Through conversations they devise strategies for solving their problems and realizing their hopes for the future. They build infrastructures for learning – clubs, schools, playing fields, maker spaces, online social media events, workplace mentoring programs, self-help groups for parents. Open Portal Networks exist to connect you with others who share your dreams for learning.

This website offers links to the organizations and ideas you want to share with fellow learners and educators. Visit NETWORK to discover organizations where you can participate in bringing new educational practices to life. Visit CONCEPTS to explore the ideas, values, and issues that shape the educational landscape today and tomorrow.

Become a network node: help spread access to knowledge about educational alternatives and know-how across planet Earth.

LO*OP Center

Open Portal Network is a project of LO*OP Center Inc. which is a nonprofit corporation based in Guerneville, California that provides educational products, services, consulting, research and technical resources relating to child and adult learning, history and future of computing in learning and education, intercultural communications and disaster readiness, response and recovery. The LO*OP Center was founded by Liza Loop in 1975.